Below are a variety of activities you could use with your teenager.
Each activity is a stand-alone activity and linked to the national curriculum. You can use them however you think would be best for you and your family. You will find that some of them will work quite well if you use them together, moving from one to the other as appropriate. Some of our videos will help you.
These resources are free for you to use – if you would like to help support our work you can make a donation or sign up to receive our mailings.
We would love to hear from you if you use our resources – what worked? What didn’t? Do you have any suggestions for improvements or new ideas? Contact us to let us know.
What people say
‘I liked talking about the different ways drugs can be dangerous – because of how dangerous common drugs like alcohol and tobacco are, it boosted my knowledge’
‘I liked the role plays … I took away a lot of information and will use it for the rest of my life.’