Fundraising Ideas
Alcohol-free Bars
We have a range of interesting alcohol-free cocktail recipes you can use to hold an alcohol-free bar. Please note, you cannot raise money by charging for the drinks without incurring a lot of red tape, but you can ask for donations. We have coasters with recipes on them that we can send you through the post on request.
Church Events
Your church is an obvious venue for an event that raises awareness of the work of Hope UK and encourages support. Ask us for postcards advertising Volunteer opportunities.
Clothes Swap
Here’s an easy way to raise money! Get friends and family to bring along all their wearable but unwanted clothes, shoes and accessories and encourage them to make donations for every item selected. Or ask for a donation at the door. Either way, everyone will have had a good time and go home with additions to their wardrobe.
Coffee Morning/Afternoon/Evening
There’s nothing like a good natter with friends over a cup of coffee and a piece (or two) of cake. Why not turn one of these occasions into a fundraising opportunity!
Garage Sale
An opportunity to de-clutter and raise funds at the same time. You may not have a garage but you could have a table sale in your front garden or join one of the many car boot sales going on throughout the country. If people know the money is going to a worthwhile charity, they are likely to give more.
Have a Hope UK party!
Need an excuse for a party? Why not make Hope UK the theme at a fun-filled party that also gives people a real understanding of the work we do and hopefully makes them want to support it, or even volunteer! The resources include ideas for games as well as a party planner.