What is the COFFREE Conqueror Challenge?

Go without coffee (or tea) for a whole month, raising money for Hope UK, so that you can call yourself a COFFREE Conqueror.

When is COFFREE?

For the whole of September 

Why take part?

It’s a great challenge, that comes with a great sense of achievement. But, more importantly, you’ll be raising money for a very worthwhile cause. Your donations will equip young people to make drug-free choices, and will give them a better hope for a better future.

What are the rules?

The rules are simple. No coffee for a month! Raise as much as you can in donations. That’s it!

Are there health benefits to giving up caffeine?

Yes – here are 10 things;

  • Less anxiety
  • Better sleep
  • More efficient absorption of nutrients
  • Healthier (and whiter!) teeth
  • Balanced hormones for women
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Balanced brain chemistry
  • Fewer headaches
  • Better digestion
  • You may age better

Check it out at; https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/quitting-caffeine-benefits#5

How am I going to feel?

A lot depends on how much coffee (or other caffeinated drink) you currently drink. We’re not going to lie, in the first week, you’re probably going to feel like ol’ Muggins over there! It’s the lack of caffeine that your body is responding to. You’re likely to experience headaches and a general lack of energy. By the second week you’re going to start feeling normal again. You’ll still have to break the habit, like what will you do as an excuse to leave your desk for 5 minutes? By the end of the month though, you’re going to feel so proud of yourself. You’ll be glowing in the fact that you’re close to becoming a COFFREE Conqueror! You’ll feel like Lean-Bean over there.

One of our members of staff, Joe, gave it a go. See how he got on…

Video coming soon!

How to conquer the coffee?

Here are our 5 top tips for conquering the month;

Drink plenty of water (but not too much!) – this should help with the headaches and give you something to do.

Try some Fruit Teas – this will definitely help replace the habit. You may find something that you can’t believe you lived without (like Peppermint tea!)

Get some more sleep – You’ll be saving over 5 minutes in the queue at the Coffee Shop every morning. Hit the snooze button and get some more rest. 

Think about why you’re doing it – stay motivated by remembering that you’re doing it for a great cause. When you become a COFFREE Conqueror, you’re giving young people the potential for a better future.

Share your experience – Lean on your friends for support. That’s what they’re there for, right? Ask them for encouragement. 

Let us know what works for you… #coffreeconqueror 

Where does my money go?

Hope UK is a Drug Education Provider. We work nationally to equip young people to make drug-free choices. We also have a National Youth Organisation called Generation Hope which equips young people for life. All of our work is intended to prevent future harm. All your money will go towards us facilitating these two aspects of our work. 

Where does Hope UK work?

Hope UK works all over the UK, and most of our work is in the more deprived areas of the UK. 

How do I get my donations to Hope UK?

Donations can come in via; Virgin Money Giving, cheque or cash.

What is the closing date for donations?

Some people will want to see you conquer the coffee before they are willing to sponsor you (because it takes them a bit longer to recognise you’re Conqueror status). Therefore, the closing date for sponsorship is 30th October 2019.